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Mise à jour : 08/04/2003
Dain Y. (webmaster) 11/05/02
Minerals for exchange
I've got few minerals from France for exchange.
Rik Dillen 11/05/02
Mineralogical Record issues for sale
A complete set of "The Mineralogical Record" 1992-1993-1994-1995 is for sale for a total of 125 EUR + postage.
Please visit my website at
kevin Conroy 11/05/02
Tsumeb and Sardinian minerals online
Tsumeb and Sardinian minerals online, plus more to come.
Please visit my website at
Mark Cole 12/05/02
Fluorescent Minerals from Greenland
Brilliant and rare specimens from the Illimaussaq Complex and surrounding areas.
Please visit my website at
John and Cecile Steenbergen 14/05/02
Australian minerals & fossils
Magnificent Australian & world wide Rocks, Minerals & fossil specimens
,from tiny to huge museum size .Contact Coolrocks Australia . We only
supply the very best at all times ! See our bright website ,updated regular
with new & exciting specimens.
Please visit our website at
Marco Macchieraldo 14/05/02
Italian and alpine minerals
If you want to visit my web site
you'll find the best ratio quality/price on minerals specimens on the net.
You'll find native golds, pink fluorites from Mont Blanc, hessonites and
many others. Happy visit.
Kemp LaMunyon 18/05/02
GeoSearch Engine and Auction
Find sites and sell stuff, preferable Rocks :
Mike Keim 18/05/02
Marin Mineral Company
Fine worldwide minerals in for sale, common and exotic species. Website updated regularly
Please visit our website at
Edward Rosenzweig 20/08/02
Edwards Minerals
Purveyors of Fine Specimens from Around the World
Please visit our website at
Hède Frédéric 20/08/02
Cherche contact dans les Alpes
Recherche sur haute Savoie un passionné de Quartz comme moi (voir mon site
qui pourrait m'accompagner pour en rechercher sur les glaciers et aux abords du Mont-Blanc.
Pas d'exploit physique mais un bon pieds suffira et surtout une grande envie comme moi de trouver un four de quartz enfumé...
A bientôt.
Mon site Alpinisme et Minéraux :
Kevin T. Brady 20/08/02
Fluorescent minerals for sell
Avid fluorescent mineral collector in the United States has several recently collected and old personal
stock to sell quickly. This means good minerals at highly reduced prices. I have specimens in the miniature
to large cabinet size. Prices vary, but all are affordable. Let me know what your interests are and we'll
see what I have. Believe me, these are truly fabulous short-wave fluorescent specimens. E-mail me your desires.
Always collecting so new stock being introduced monthly.
Contact :
Kevin T. Brady
10829 Port Street
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
Larry Rush 31/08/02
Minerals to trade!
I am a retired geologist who likes to swap. I concentrate
on aesthetic crystal specimens and will send the same in exchange. (No
micros, please) Contact me for a recent list.
Jean Pierre Sopena 31/08/02
Oursins fossiles
Recherche tout sur les oursins fossilisés : fossiles, livres, articles, tirés à part, etc....
Barbara Doussang 25/09/02
A vendre géode d'Améthyste
Géode naturelle (non cimentée), de 73 kilos, en provenance du Brésil.
Cristaux de grande taille, violet soutenu.
Hauteur : 60 cm
Largeur : 37 cm
Profondeur : 27 cm
Prix : 5335 euros, à débattre.
Possibilité de la voir (Paris) ou de recevoir une photo.
Steve Gilmour 11/12/02
Crystal Wood Designs
I specialize in permanently fixing crystals and minerals to decorative wood mounts that are custom made to fit the specimen. The wood mounts are hand crafted from exotic, domestic and natural woods (burl and driftwood). Displays
very in size and are designed from open display in your home or office. There are 12 galleies including mounts gallery.
Please, visite my site at :
Jim Daly 08/04/03
We have a large selection of micromount material at very attractive prices. We are now featuring phosphates, etc. from the Palermo #1 Mine. N. Groton, NH, USA. We also havea lot of material from Mont St. Hilaire, PQ, Canada and many other places.
Please, visite my site at :
Sauktown Sales
Mill Creek, IN